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Phrasal Verb Dictionary: L

Phrasal Verb Dictionary: L

Phrasal verbs are a common English verb form that consist of a verb followed by a p-word that functions as a particle. To learn more about some of the most common phrasal verbs in the English language, click on a letter in the following menu to browse the Phrasal Verb Dictionary in alphabetical order.



Note: When a word entry includes a p-word enclosed in parentheses, the phrasal verb is a phrasal-prepositional verb.

Phrasal Verb Definition Category Example
lace up tie separable transitive The child laced her shoes up.
ladle out serve, give separable transitive The comedian ladled some bad jokes out.
lap up consume quickly separable transitive The dog lapped the food up.
lash out criticize angrily intransitive My boss lashed out at me.
latch on (to) attach intransitive The baby latched on to the nipple.
laugh off laugh about to make seem less important separable transitive She laughed the criticism off.
launch into start (usually quickly or immediately) inseparable transitive He launched into his work.
lay away save separable transitive Lay the gift away for later.
lay down establish separable transitive The teacher laid the classroom rules down.
lay in on scold, criticize inseparable transitive Mom laid in on me for being late.
lay into scold, criticize inseparable transitive The cop laid into the delinquents.
lay off suspend from a job separable transitive The company laid a dozen workers off.
lay out arrange, explain separable transitive Can you lay the rules for the project out?
lazy about relax intransitive I plan to lazy about on my day off.
lazy around relax intransitive He lazied around last Saturday.
lead on encourage (usually negatively) separable transitive The other kids often lead him on.
lead on make believe a falsehood separable transitive He led me on with his extravagant story.
leaf through look at quickly and not in detail inseparable transitive She leafed through the magazine.
lean on depend on inseparable transitive You can lean on me.
leap at eagerly accept inseparable transitive She leaped at the opportunity.
leap out at be noticeable immediately inseparable transitive The errors leapt out at me.
leave off stop an activity intransitive The sequel begins where the first movie leaves off.
leave out exclude, omit separable transitive She left some names out of her story.
lend out allow to borrow separable transitive She never lends her books out.
let down disappoint separable transitive Her husband let her down again.
let down lengthen, release separable transitive Let the window shades down at dusk.
let in allow inside separable transitive Please let the cat in.
let off not punish, not make do separable transitive The judge let the man off.
let on (about) hint about intransitive He let on about the secret party.
let out release separable transitive Who let the dogs out?
let out make bigger separable transitive Can you let my skirt out around the waist?
let up lessen, weaken intransitive The storm finally let up after midnight.
level off even out separable transitive The prices finally leveled off.
level with tell the truth, come clean inseparable transitive Let me level with you.
lie ahead exist in the future intransitive Dark times lie ahead.
lie around lounge, relax intransitive She lies around all day.
lie down rest, recline intransitive Grandma needs to lie down.
lie with remains, stays, be responsible for inseparable transitive The blames lies with the company.
lift off leave the ground intransitive The spaceship lifts off tomorrow.
light up illuminate separable transitive The fireworks lit the sky up.
light up smoke separable transitive She lit up cigarette after cigarette.
lighten up be less serious separable transitive Can we lighten the situation up?
limber up stretch separable transitive My trainer limbered me up.
line up form a line separable transitive The children lined up for recess.
link up connect separable transitive Can you link the two webpages up?
listen in (on) secretly listen intransitive The spy listened in on the conversation.
listen out for make an effort to hear a noise inseparable transitive Listen out for the phone please.
listen up used as a command to make someone listen intransitive Listen up, students!
live down forget, recover, get over separable transitive Joe will never live down the embarrassment.
live up to maintain expectations, keep a standard inseparable transitive I can never live up to your unrealistic ideals.
load down burden, cover separable transitive The loaded the car down with salt bags.
load up fill full separable transitive Mom loaded the fridge up with goodies.
loan out lend, allow to borrow separable transitive The library loans iPads out.
lock away put away for safe keeping, imprison separable transitive I locked my fortune away in the bank.
lock in prevent from leaving separable transitive The janitor locked me in.
lock onto attach to, put in focus inseparable transitive She locked on to a career in medicine.
lock out prevent from entering separable transitive Dad locked me out of the house again.
lock up put away for safe keeping, imprison separable transitive The judge locked the prison up.
log in start using (usually an electronic device) separable transitive Log me in to the program.
log off finish using (usually an electronic device) separable transitive The teacher logged me off the computer.
log on start using (usually an electronic device) separable transitive Log on your computer.
log onto start using (usually an electronic device) separable transitive Log onto the computer.
log out finish using (usually an electronic device) separable transitive Students must log out of the program before the bell rings.
look after care for inseparable transitive Will you look after my dogs this weekend?
look back on remember inseparable transitive Never look back on your failures.
look down on consider inferior inseparable transitive She looks down on poor people.
look forward to anticipate with pleasure inseparable transitive I am looking forward to my vacation.
look into investigate inseparable transitive Can you look into the situation for me?
look on observe intransitive The man looked on in disbelief.
look out (for) be careful, pay attention, heed a certain danger intransitive Look out for bears and cougars on your hike.
look over examine, review separable transitive Would you look over my essay for mistakes?
look up research, investigate, search separable transitive The librarian will help you look the information up.
look up locate and visit separable transitive Look me up next time you are in town.
look up to respect, admire inseparable transitive She looks up to her father.
loosen up make less tight separable transitive Loosen your muscles up before exercising.
lop off cut, reduce separable transitive I lopped my hair off.
lounge around relax intransitive She lounged around by the pool.
luck out be very lucky intransitive You lucked out on that traffic citation.
lump together group separable transitive The grocer lumped the fruit together.
lust after feel desire inseparable transitive Some men lust after sports cars.




Phrasal Verb Dictionary: K

Phrasal Verb Dictionary: K

Phrasal Verb Dictionary: M

Phrasal Verb Dictionary: M