“milk, milky” from Greek gala (genitive galaktos, stem galakt-) “milk”
Word Sums
Galact + ic -> galactic
Extra + Galact + ic -> extragalactic
inter + Galact + ic -> intergalactic
intra + Galact + ic -> intragalactic
meta + Galact + ic -> metagalactic
pan + Galact + ic -> pangalactic
trans + Galact + ic -> transgalactic
Galact + o + Cent(e)r + ic -> galactocentric
Galact + ic + a -> galactica
Galact + ic + al -> galactical
Galact + i + a -> galactia
a + Galact + i + a -> agalactia
Galact + o + G(e)n(e) -> galactogen
Galact + o + G(e)n(e) + s -> galactogens
Galact + o + G(e)n(e) + ic -> galactogenic
Galact + o + G(e)n(e) + ese + is -> galactogenesis
Galact + o + Poi + ese + is -> galactopoiesis
Galact + o + Poi + ete + ic -> galactopoietic
Galact + o + Rrh + e + a -> galactorrhea
Galact + o + Rrh + e + a + s -> galactorrheas
a + Galact + o + Rrh + e + a -> agalactorrhea
Galact + ose + Eme + i + a -> galactosemia
Galact + ose + Eme + i + a + s -> galactosemias
Galact + ose + Eme + ic -> galactosemic
Galact + o + Gram -> galactogram
Galact + o + Gram + s -> galactograms
Galact + o + Graph -> galactograph
Galact + o + Graph + s -> galactographs
Galact + o + Graph + y -> galactography
Galact + o + Graph + y + es -> galactographies
Galact + o + Graph + er -> galactographer
Galact + o + Graph + er + s -> galactographers
Galact + o + Graph + ic -> galactographic
Galact + o + Met(e)r -> galactometer
Galact + o + Met(e)r + s -> galactometers
Galact + ase -> galactase
Galact + ose -> galactose
Galact + ose + s -> galactoses
Galact + ose + ide -> galactoside
Galact + ose + ide + s ->galactosides
Galact + ose + ide + ase -> galactosidase
Galact + ose + ide + ase + s -> galactosidases
Galact + ose + yl -> galactosyl
Galact + ose + yl + s -> galactosyls
Galact + o + Cere + Am(e) + ide -> galactoceramide
Galact + o + Cere + Am(e) + ide + s -> galactoceramides
Galact + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide + ase -> galactosylceramidase
Galact + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide + ase + s -> galactosylceramidases
Galact + ose + Am(e) + ine -> galactosamine
Galact + ose + Am(e) + ine + s -> galactosamines
Galact + o + Cele -> galactocele
Galact + o + Cele + s -> galactoceles
Galact + o + Cerebr + ose + ide -> galactocerebroside
Galact + o + Cerebr + ose + ide + s -> galactocerebrosides
Galact + o + Cerebr + ose + ide + ase -> galactocerebrosidase
Galact + o + Cerebr + ose + ide + ase + s -> galactocerebrosidases
Galact + o + con + Juge + ate -> galactoconjugate
Galact + o + con + Juge + ate + s ->galactoconjugates
Galact + o + Fure + an -> galactofuran
Galact + o + Fure + an + s -> galactofurans
Galact + o + Fure + an + ose -> galactofuranose
Galact + o + Fure + an + ose + s -> galactofuranoses
Galact + o + Fure + an + ose + ide -> galactofuranoside
Galact + o + Fure + an + ose + ide + s -> galactofuranosides
Galact + o + Fure + an + ose + yl -> galactofuranosyl
Galact + o + Fure + an + ose + yl + s -> galactofuranosyls
Galact + o + Gluce + an -> galactoglucan
Galact + o + Gluce + an + s -> galactoglucans
Galact + o + Gluce + o + Mann + an -> galactoglucomannan
Galact + o + Gluce + o + Mann + an + s -> galactoglucomannans
Galact + o + Glycere + o + Lipe + id -> galactoglycerolipid
Galact + o + Glycere + o + Lipe + id + s -> galactoglycerolipids
Galact + o + Glyc + o + Prot(e) + e + in -> galactoglycoprotein
Galact + o + Glyc + o + Prot(e) + e + in + s -> galactoglycoproteins
Galact + o + Kine + ase -> galactokinase
Galact + o + Kine + ase + s -> galactokinases
Galact + o + Lipe + id -> galactolipid
Galact + o + Lipe + id + s -> galactolipids
Galact + o + Mann + an -> galactomannan
Galact + o + Mann + an + s -> galactomannans
Galact + o + Nojiri + Myce + in -> galactonojirimycin
Galact + o + Nojiri + Myce + in + s-> galactonojirimycins
Galact + o + Olig + o + Sacchare + ide -> galactooligosaccharide
Galact + o + Olig + o + Sacchare + ide + s -> galactooligosaccharides
Galact + o + Prot(e) + e + in -> galactoprotein
Galact + o + Prot(e) + e + in + s -> galactoproteins
Galact + o + Pyre + an + ose -> galactopyranose
Galact + o + Pyre + an + ose + s -> galactopyranoses
Galact + o + Pyre + an + ose + ide -> galactopyranoside
Galact + o + Pyre + an + ose + ide + s -> galactopyranosides
Galact + o + Siale + id + osis -> galactosialidosis
Galact + o + Siale + id + esis -> galactosialidoses
Galact + o + Sphinge + o + Lipe + id -> galactosphingolipid
Galact + o + Sphinge + o + Lipe + id + s -> galactosphingolipids
Galact + o + Sucr + ose -> galactosucrose
Galact + o + Walden + ase -> galactowaldenase
Phos(e) + Pho + Galact + o + iso + Mer(e) + ase -> phosphogalactoisomerase
galact: milk, milky
-s: forming plural of noun
a-: not, without
-a: forming a noun [adopted unchanged from classical Latin or Greek]
-am(e): amide [from ammonia + -ide]
-amine: compound in which one of the hydrogen atoms of ammonia is replaced by a hydrocarbon radical [Am(e) + ine]
-an: of or pertaining to
-ase: used to form the names of enzymes
-ate: word-forming element used in forming nouns
cele: tumor, rupture, hernia
cent(e)r: middle point
cere: wax, waxy
cerebr: brain, of the brain
con: with, together
-e-: connecting vowel
eme: blood
-emia: word-forming element in pathology meaning “condition of the blood” [Eme + i + a]
-er: denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or activity
-ese: word-forming element meaning “belonging to” or “originating in”
-esis: condition, action, or process [ese + is]
-ete: word-forming element meaning “belonging to” or “originating in”
-etic: word-forming element meaning “pertaining to,” forms adjectives derived from nouns ending in -esis [ete + ic]
extra: outside, except, beyond
fure: bran, from furfural, “a heterocyclic aldehyde derivative of furan, which is obtained commercially from bran,” from Latin furfur “bran”
g(e)n(e): something produced, thing that produces or causes
gluce: sweet
glyc: sweet
glycere: sweet
gram: word, letter
graph: instrument for recording; that which writes, marks, or describes; something written; to draw, represent by lines drawn
-i-: connecting vowel
ic: forming an adjective that denotes relating to
-id: forming an adjectives
-ide: word-forming element used to coin names for simple compounds of one element with another element or radical
-in: word-forming element in chemistry
-ine: word-forming element in chemistry commonly used to form words for derived substances [see also -in]
inter-: between, amid, among, during, within, mutual, reciprocal
intra-: inside, within, interior, during
-is: Latin singular suffix
iso-: equal
juge: yoke, join
kine: move
lipe: fat
meta-: after, behind; among, between; changed, altered; higher, beyond
mann: edible substance, literally “substance exuded by the tamarisk tree”
mer(e): part, share
met(e)r: measure, device or instrument for measuring
myce: fungus, mushroom
-mycin: word-forming element in science, used to form names of antibiotic compounds derived from fungi [Myce + in]
nojiri: biochemical name used only with the antibiotic — produced by some strains of Streptomyces isolated from soil in Lake Nojiri, Japan — inhibits glucosidases
-o-: connecting vowel
olig-: few, small
-ose: used to form the names of sugars
-oses: plural of -osis
-osis: denoting a pathology or disease
pan-: all
pho: bear, carry [clip of phore]
phos(e): light
poi: make, create, produce
prot(e): first, primary
rrh: flow, flow through
rrhea: flow [rrh + e + a]
pyre: fire
sacchare: sugar
siale: spittle, saliva
sphinge: squeeze, bind
sucr: sugar
trans: across, beyond, through, on the other side of, to go beyond
walden: chemistry term named after chemist Paul Walden
-y: quality, state, action, or entity
-yl: chemical suffix used in forming names of radicals
See also Word Matrix: Lact.