in ,

Word Matrix: Lact

Lact Word Matrix

“milk” from Latin lac (genitive lactis) “milk”

Word Sums

Lact + ate = lactate
Lact + ate + s = lactates
Lact + ate + ed = lactated
Lact + ate + ing = lactating
Lact + ate + ion = lactation
Lact + ate + ion + s = lactations
Lact + ate + ion + al = lactational
Lact + i + Fy = lactify
Lact + i + Fy + es = lactifies
Lact + i + Fy + ed = lactified
Lact + i + Fy + ing = lactifing
Lact + i + Fice + ate + ion = lactification
Lact + i + Fer + ous = lactiferous
Lact + e + an = lactean
Lact + e + al = lacteal
Lact + e + al + s = lacteals
Lact + e + al + ly = lacteally
Lact + e + ous = lacteous
Lact + Ace + ous = lactaceous
Lact + ar + y = lactary
Lact + ar + y + es = lactaries

Lact + ive + ist = lactivist
Lact + ive + ist + s = lactivists
Lact + ive + ism = lactivism
Lact + o + Nazi = lactonazi
Lact + o + Nazi + s = lactonazis
Lact + i + Vore = lactivore
Lact + i + Vore + s = lactivores
Lact + i + Vore + ous = lactivorous
Lact + o + Phile = lactophile
Lact + o + Phile + s = lactophiles
Lact + o + Phile + i + a = lactophilia
Lact + o + Phobe = lactophobe
Lact + o + Phobe + s = lactophobes
Lact + o + Phobe + ic = lactophobic
Lact + o + Phobe + i + a = lactophobia

Lact + ase = lactase
Lact + ase + s = lactases
Lact + ose = lactose
Lact + ose + s = lactoses
Lact + Aid = lactaid
Lact + Am(e) = lactam
Lact + Am(e) + s = lactams
Lact + Am(e) + ide= lactamide
Lact + yl = lactyl
Lact + yl + s = lactyls
Mon + o + Lact + yl = monolactyl
Di + Lact + yl = dilactyl
Lact + ic = lactic
Lact + ol = lactol
Lact + ol + s = lactols
Lact + one = lactone
Lact + one + s = lactones
Lact + one + ic = lactonic
pro + Lact + in = prolactin
pro + Lact + in + s = prolactins
Capr + o + Lact + Am = caprolactam
Capr + o + Lact + Am(e) + s = caprolactams
Mal + o + Lact + ic = malolactic
Lact + o + Trope = lactotrope
Lact + o + Trope + s = lactotropes
Lact + o + Troph = lactotroph
Lact + o + Troph + s = lactotrophs
Lact + o + Trope + ic = lactotropic
Lact + o + Somate + o + Troph = lactosomatotroph
Lact + o + Somate + o + Troph + s = lactosomatotrophs
Lact + o + Rrh + e + a = lactorrhea
Lact + Alb + um + in = lactalbumin
Lact + Alb + um + in + s = lactalbumins
Lact + o + Sucr + ose = lactosucrose
Lact + o + Globe + ule + in = lactoglobulin
Lact + o + Globe + ule + in + s = lactoglobulins
Lact + o + Prot(e) + e + in = lactoprotein
Lact + o + Prot(e) + e + in + s = lactoproteins
Lact + o + Cerebr + ose + ide = lactocerebroside
Lact + o + Cerebr + ose + ide + s = lactocerebrosides
Lact + o + Glycere + ol = lactoglycerol
Lact + o + Glycere + ide = lactoglyceride
Lact + o + Glycere + ide + s = lactoglycerides
Lact + o + Phene + ol = lactophenol
Ne + o + Lact + o + Glyce + o + Lipe + id = neolactoglycolipid
Ne + o + Lact + o + Glyce + o + Lipe + id + s = neolactoglycolipids
Lact + o + Tetr + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide = lactotetrosylceramide
Lact + o + Tetr + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide + s = lactotetrosylceramides
Lact + o + Tetr + a + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide = lactotetraosylceramide
Lact + o + Tetr + a + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide + s = lactotetraosylceramides
Ne + o + Lact + o + Tetr + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide = neolactotetrosylceramide
Ne + o + Lact + o + Tetr + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide + s = neolactotetrosylceramides
Ne + o + Lact + o + Tetr + a + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide = neolactotetraosylceramide
Ne + o + Lact + o + Tetr + a + ose + yl + Cere + Am(e) + ide + s = neolactotetraosylceramides
Lact + o + Bacill + us = lactobacillus
Lact + o + Bacill + i = lactobacilli
Lact + o + Bacill + ar = lactobacillar
Lact + o + Bacill + ar + y = lactobacillary

Lact + o + Cyte = lactocyte
Lact + o + Cyte + s = lactocytes
Lact + o + G(e)n(e) = lactogen
Lact + o + G(e)n(e) + ic = lactogenic
Lact + o + G(e)n(e) + ese + is = lactogenesis
Lact + o + Lyse + is = lactolysis
Lact + o + Scope = lactoscope
Lact + o + Scope + s = lactoscopes
Lact + o + Dense + i + Met(e)r = lactodensimeter
Lact + o + Dense + i + Met(e)r + s = lactodensimeters

Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an = lactovegetarian
Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + s = lactovegetarians
Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + ism = lactovegetarianism
Ove + o + Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an = ovolactovegetarian
Ove + o + Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + s = ovolactovegetarians
Ove + o + Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + ism = ovolactovegetarianism


lact: milk
-s: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb
-ing: forming present participle of verb

-a: forming a noun [adopted unchanged from classical Latin or Greek]
-a-: connecting vowel
-ac: one affected with
-ace: belonging to, of the nature of
-aceous: of, relating to, resembling or containing the thing suffixed [Ace + ous]
aid: help, support, assistance
-al: relating to, of the kind of, of or pertaining to
alb: white
-am(e): amide [from ammonia + -ide]
-an: of or pertaining to
-ar: forming an adjective denoting of, near, or pertaining to
-ary: forming an adjective denoting of the kind of, belonging to, connected with, or pertaining to
-ase: used to form the names of enzymes
-ate: word-forming element used in forming nouns from Latin words ending in -atus, -atum
bacill: term in bacteriology [from Late Latin bacillus “wand,” literally “little staff,” diminutive of baculum “a stick, staff, walking stick”]
capr: goat-like [from Latin caprinus, from caper]
cere: wax, waxy [from French cire “wax,” from Latin cera “wax, wax seal, wax writing tablet,” related to Greek kēros “beeswax”)
cerebr: brain, of the brain
-cyte: cell
dense: closely compacted, thick
di: two, twice, double
-e-: connecting vowel
-ese: word-forming element meaning “belonging to” or “originating in”
-esis: denoting a noun of action or process
fer: bear, carry [from Latin ferre]
-ferous: used to form adjectives from nouns, producing the specified material
-fice: making, creating [from French -fique or Latin -ficus from facere “do, make”]
-fy: forming verb denoting making or producing
g(e)n(e): something produced, thing that produces or causes
globe: round mass, sphere, ball
glyce: sweet [from Latinized combining form of Greek glykys, glykeros “sweet”]
glycere: sweet [from French glycérine, from glycero- “sweet”]
-i: indicates a plural form of some words of Latin
-i-: connecting vowel
-ic: forming an adjective that denotes relating to
-ide: word-forming element used to coin names for simple compounds of one element with another element or radical
-in: word-forming element in chemistry
-ion: denoting state, condition, or action
-is: Hellenic suffix, present in English but not productive
-ism: forming a noun denoting a system of beliefs, principles, etc.
ist: forming a personal noun denoting a person who does something or denoting an adherent of a system of beliefs, principles, etc. expressed by a noun ending in -ism [from Old French -iste, Latin -ista, from Greek -istēs]
-ive: showing a quality or tendency
lipe: fat
-lyse: loosening [via Latin from Greek lusis]
-lysis: denoting disintegration or decomposition in nouns specifying an agent
male: pertaining to apples, obtained from the juice of apples, fruit generally [from Latin malum “apple”]
met(e)r: measure, device or instrument for measuring
mon: alone, only, sole, single
nazi: one who imposes one’s views on others, one who is considered unfairly oppressive or needlessly strict
ne: new
-o-: connecting vowel
-ol: word-forming element in chemistry, variously representing alcohol, phenol, or in some cases Latin oleum “oil”
-one: compound containing a carbonyl functional group
-ose: used to form the names of sugars
-ous: characterized by, of the nature of [from Anglo-Norman French, or Old French -eus, from Latin -osus]
ove: egg
phene: pertaining to or derived from benzene
phile: denoting a person or thing having a fondness for a specified thing
phobe: fear
pro-: before, in front of, sooner
prot(e): first, primary
rrh: flow, flow through
rrhea: flow [from Ancient Greek ῥοία (rhoía, “flow, flux”)]
somate: body
scope: used to make terms denoting an instrument used for viewing or examination
tetr: four
-trope: something that turns, affects, changes, responds, moves
-troph: nourishment, food [from Greek trophikos]
-ule: forming a diminutive noun
-um: denotes singular grammatical number, a place
-us: variation of -um, enotes singular grammatical number
vegete: non-animal life [lively, active, sprightly, vigorous]
vore: eat, consume
-vorous [from Latin -vorous, from stem of vorare “to devour”]
-yl: chemical suffix used in forming names of radicals


lactate: (verb) secrete milk
lactates: third person singular of lactate
lactated: simple past and past participle of lactate
lactating: present participle of lactate
lactation: (noun) action of secreting of milk
lactations: plural of lactation
lactational: (adjective) of or pertaining to lactation
lactify: (verb) to make or to become milky
lactifies: third person singular of lactify
lactified: simple past and past participle of lactify
lactifing: present participle of lactify
lactification: (noun) process of becoming milky [term meaning “whitening of a black race” coined in sociological sense by Frantz Fanon]
lactiferous: (adjective) bearing or containing milk or a milky fluid
lactean: (adjective) milky [variation of lacteal]
lacteal: (adjective) relating to milk production, (noun) each of the lymphatic vessels which convey chyle from the mesentery to the thoracic duct
lacteals: plural of lacteal
lacteally: (adverb) milkily, in the manner of milk
lacteous: (adjective) milky, resembling milk, lacteal
lactaceous: (adjective) consisting primarily or exclusively of milk, milky in texture or consistency
lactary: (noun) dairy house, (adjective) milky, full of white juice like milk
lactaries: plural of lactary

lactivist: (noun) one who supports or advocates for breastfeeding
lactivists: plural of lactivist
lactivism: (noun) advocacy of breastfeeding [blend of lactation and‎ activism]
lactonazi: (noun) derogatory term referring to an overzealous lactivist
lactonazis: plural of lactonazi
lactivore: (noun) one with a diet consisting mainly of milk or other dairy products
lactivores: plural of lactivore
lactivorous: (adjective) feeding on milk
lactophile: (noun) one who is sexually obsessed with milk or dairy products [literally “one who loves milk”]
lactophiles: plural of lactophile
lactophilia: (noun) sexual fetish for lactating breasts and breastfeeding [literally “love of milk”]
lactophobe: (noun) one that is afraid of milk or other dairy products [literally “fear of milk”]
lactophobes: plural of lactophobe
lactophobic: (adjective) relating to the fear of milk
lactophobia: (noun) fear of milk

lactase: (noun) β-galactosidase enzyme that is involved in the hydrolysis of the disaccharide lactose into constituent galactose and glucose monomers
lactases: plural of lactase
lactose: (noun) disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products
lactoses: plural of lactose
lactaid: (noun) product that helps with the digestion of lactose
lactam: (noun) any of a class of cyclic amides that are the nitrogen analogs of lactones, formed by heating amino acids
lactams: plural of lactam
lactamide: (noun) acid amide derived from lactic acid
lactyl: (noun) univalent radical derived from lactic acid
lactyls: plural of lactyl
monolactyl: (noun) single lactyl group in a molecule
dilactyl: (noun) two lactyl groups in a molecule
lactic: (adjective) relating to milk
lactol: (noun) any cyclic hemiacetal formed by the intramolecular addition of a hydroxy group to a carbonyl group
lactols: plural of lactol
lactone: (noun) cyclic intramolecular ester derived from a hydroxy acid
lactones: plural of lactone
lactonic: (adjective) relating to lactones
prolactin: peptide gonadotrophic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates growth of the mammary glands and lactation in females [literally “before milk”]
prolactins: plural of prolactin
caprolactam: (noun) lactam manufactured from cyclohexanone and used in the manufacture of nylon
caprolactams: plural of caprolactam
malolactic: (noun) type of fermentation in which malic acid is converted into lactic acid
lactotrope: (noun) variation of lactotroph
lactotropes: plural of lactotrope
lactotroph: (noun) cell in the pituitary gland which produce prolactin in response to certain hormones
lactotrophs: plural of lactotroph
lactotropic: (adjective) of or pertaining to lactotropes
lactosomatotroph: (noun) somatotroph that produces prolactin
lactosomatotrophs: plural of lactosomatotroph
lactorrhea: (noun) spontaneous flow of milk from the breast, unassociated with childbirth or nursing
lactalbumin: (noun) albumin content of milk
lactalbumins: plural of lactalbumin
lactosucrose: (noun) trisaccharide 4(G)-beta-D-galactosylsucrose
lactoglobulin: (noun) globulin content of milk
lactoglobulins: plural of lactoglobulin
lactoprotein: (noun) any protein present in milk
lactoproteins: plural of lactoprotein
lactocerebroside: (noun) any cerebroside in which the sugar component is lactose
lactocerebrosides: plural of lactocerebroside
lactoglycerol: (noun) aqueous solution of lactic acid and glycerol that is used in cytology
lactoglyceride: (noun) any glyceride (glycerol ester) of lactic acid
lactoglycerides: plural of lactoglyceride
lactophenol: (noun) solution of phenol and lactic acid in glycerol and water
neolactoglycolipid: (noun) association of a carbohydrate and a phospholipid, such as phosphatidylinositol, found in cell membranes
neolactoglycolipids: plural of neolactoglycolipid
lactotetrosylceramide: (noun) any lactotetraose derivative of a ceramide
lactotetrosylceramides: plural of lactotetrosylceramide
lactotetraosylceramide: variation of lactotetrosylceramide
lactotetraosylceramides: plural of lactotetraosylceramide
neolactotetrosylceramide: (noun) glycosphingolipid found in the nervous system, containing four monosaccharide residues and a ceramide, that acts as an enzyme to catalyze certain biochemical reactions
neolactotetrosylceramides: plural of neolactotetrosylceramide
neolactotetraosylceramide: variation of neolactotetrosylceramide
neolactotetraosylceramides: plural of neolactotetraosylceramide
lactobacillus: (noun) any of many rod-shaped, nonmotile, aerobic bacteria, of the genus Lactobacillus, that ferment sugars to form lactic acid
lactobacilli: plural of lactobacillus
lactobacillar: (adjective) relating to lactobacillus
lactobacillary: (adjective) relating to the lactobacillus

lactocyte: (noun) cell that produces milk
lactocytes: plural of lactocyte
lactogen: (noun) hormone secreted by the placenta that has lactogenic, luteotropic, and growth-promoting activity
lactogenic: (adjective) relating to the production of milk
lactogenesis: (noun) secretion of milk by the mammary glands
lactolysis: (noun) hydrolysis of lactose
lactoscope: (noun) instrument for estimating the amount of cream in milk
lactoscopes: plural of lactoscope
lactodensimeter: (noun) form of hydrometer for finding the density of milk
lactodensimeters: plural of lactodensimeter

lactovegetarian: (noun) vegetarian who consumes dairy
lactovegetarians: plural of lactovegetarian
lactovegetarianism: (noun) restriction of the diet to plants and dairy products
ovolactovegetarian: (noun) vegetarian who consumes eggs and dairy
ovolactovegetarians: plural of ovolactovegetarian
ovolactovegetarianism: (noun) restriction of the diet to plants, eggs, and dairy products



See also Word Matrix: Galact.

Word Matrix: Orinthe

Word Matrix: Ornithe

Word Matrix: Solve

Word Matrix: Solve