“wonder, astonishment, thing to look at, miracle,” from Greek thauma (genitive thaumatos), literally “a thing to look at,” from root of theater
Words Sums
Thaumate + ic = thaumatic
Thaumate + in = thaumatin
Thaumate + in + s = thaumatins
Thaumate + Urge = thaumaturge
Thaumate + Urge + s = thaumaturges
Thaumate + Urge + y = thaumaturgy
Thaumate + Urge + y + es = thaumaturgies
Thaumate + Urge + ist = thaumaturgist
Thaumate + Urge + ist + s = thaumaturgists
Thaumate + Urge + us = thaumaturgus
Thaumate + Urge + us + es = thaumaturguses
Thaumate + Urge + i = thaumaturgi
Thaumate + Urge + ic = thaumaturgic
Thaumate + Urge + ic + s = thaumaturgics
Thaumate + Urge + ic + al = thaumaturgical
Thaumate + o + Log(e) + y = thaumatology
Thaumate + o + Log(e) + ist = thaumatologist
Thaumate + o + Log(e) + ist + s = thaumatologists
Thaumate + o + G(e)n(e) + y = thaumatogeny
Thaumate + o + Graph = thaumatograph
Thaumate + o + Graph + y = thaumatography
Thaumate + o + Graph + ic = thaumatographic
Thaumate + o + Latr + y = thaumatolatry
thaumate: wonder, astonishment, thing to look at, miracle
-s/-es: forming plural of nouns
-al: relating to, of the kind of, of, relating to, resembling or containing the thing suffixed
g(e)n(e): something produced, thing that produces or causes
-geny: genesis, origin, mode of production [G(e)n(e) + y]
graph: instrument for recording; that which writes, marks, or describes; something written; to draw, represent by lines drawn
-i: indicates a plural form of some words of Latin
-ic: forming adjective denoting pertaining to or relating to
-in: word-forming element in chemistry [see also -ine]
-ist: word-forming element meaning “one who does or makes”
latr: worship
-latry: worship of [from Greek -latreia “worship, service paid to the gods, hired labor,” related to latron “pay, hire,” latris “servant, worshipper”] [latr + y]
log(e): word, speech, reason
-logy: study [Log(e) + y]
urge: work, perform, make
-us: variation of -um, denotes singular grammatical number
-y: quality, state, action, or entity
thaumatic: (adjective) relating to thauma, wondrous, miraculous
thaumatin: (noun) sweet-tasting protein isolated from a West African fruit used as a low-calorie sweetener and flavor modifier
thaumatins: plural of thaumatin
thaumaturge: (noun) performer of thaumaturgy; performer of miracles; magician; worker of wonders or miracles
thaumaturges: plural of thaumaturge
thaumaturgy: (noun) working of miracles; magic, witchcraft, wizardry; capability of a magician or a saint to work magic or miracles; use of magic for non-religious purposes
thaumaturgies: plural of thaumaturgy
thaumaturgist: (noun) variation of thaumaturge
thaumaturgists: plural of thaumaturgist
thaumaturgus: (noun) obsolete variation of thaumaturge
thaumaturguses: plural of thaumaturgus
thaumaturgi: plural of thaumaturgus
thaumaturgic: (adjective) magical, relating to thaumaturgy; performing miracles
thaumaturgics: (noun) magical performances
thaumaturgical: (adjective) having, brought about by, or relating to supernatural powers or magic
thaumatology: (noun) study of miracles
thaumatologist: (noun) one who studies thaumatology
thaumatologists: plural of thaumatologist
thaumatogeny: (noun) origination of life by a miracle rather than by natural law
thaumatograph: (noun) proper noun used in the name of a projector from 1914
thaumatography: (noun) description of natural wonders, dissertation on the wonders of nature
thaumatographic: (adjective) of or relating to thaumatograph
thaumatolatry: (noun) worship or undue admiration of wonderful or miraculous things
See also Word Matrix: Thauma.