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Word Matrix: Anxi

Word Matrix: Anxi

‪”uneasy, troubled in mind” from Latin anxius

Note: The base is <anxi>. The <i> is part of the base because two connecting vowels cannot occur in a row.

Anxi + e + ty -> anxiety
Anxi + e + ty + es -> anxieties
Anxi + ous -> anxious
Anxi + ous + ly -> anxiously
Anxi + ous + ness -> anxiousness
Anxi + ous + ness + es -> anxiousnesses

anti + Anxi + e + ty -> antianxiety
anti + Anxi + e + ty + es -> antianxieties

Over + Anxi + e + ty -> overanxiety
Over + Anxi + e + ty + es ->  overanxieties
Over + Anxi + ous ->  overanxious

Anxi + o + Lyte + ic -> anxiolytic
Anxi + o + Lyte + ic + s -> anxiolytics
Anxi + o + Lyse + is -> anxiolysis

Anxi + o + G(e)n(e) + ic -> anxiogenic
Anxi + o + G(e)n(e) + ic + s -> anxiogenics
Anxi + o + G(e)n(e) + ic + i + ty -> anxiogenicity
Anxi + o + G(e)n(e) + ese + is -> anxiogenesis
Anxi + o + de + Press + ive -> anxiodepressive
Anxi + o + de + Press + ion -> anxiodepression
Anxi + o + de + Press + ed -> anxiodepressed
Anxi + o + Met(e)r + ic -> anxiometric


anxi: uneasy, troubled in mind
-s/-es: forming plural of noun
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb

anti-*: against, opposite of, contrary; counteracting, neutralizing
de-: down, down from, from, off; concerning; down, off, away, from among, down from; down to the bottom, totally, completely
-e-: connecting vowel
-ese: word-forming element meaning “belonging to” or “originating in”
g(e)n(e): something produced, thing that produces or causes
-i-: connecting vowel
-ic: forming adjective denoting pertaining to or relating to
-ion: denoting state, condition, or action
-is: Latin singular suffix; also Hellenic suffix, present in English but not productive
-ive: tending to, having the nature of
-ly: denoting manner or degree
lyse: unfasten, loose, loosen, untie
lyte: unfasten, loose, loosen, untie
met(e)r: measure, device or instrument for measuring
-ness: denoting a state or condition
-o-: connecting vowel
-ous: characterized by, of the nature of
over: on top of, higher than, above, further up; beyond, past, exceeding
press: hold fast, cover, crowd
-ty: forming noun denoting quality or condition

*A note on the <anti-> prefix: <anti-> is Greek and therefore cannot contain an <i> connecting vowel. Many Greek prefixes have two forms: (1) a prefix that ends in a vowel and precedes a consonant stem and (2) a prefix that ends in a consonant and precedes a vowel stem.

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