Traditional grammars define adverbs as “words that describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and clauses.” The following dictionary lists common adverbs of the English language.
- abnormally
- aboard
- about
- abroad
- absentmindedly
- absolutely
- abundantly
- accidentally
- accordingly
- actively
- actually
- acutely
- additionally
- admiringly
- adventurously
- affectionately
- affirmatively
- after
- afterwards
- again
- agreeably
- almost
- already
- always
- amazingly
- angrily
- annoyingly
- annually
- anxiously
- anyhow
- anyway
- appreciably
- appropriately
- around
- arrogantly
- aside
- assuredly
- astonishingly
- away
- awfully
- awkwardly
- badly
- barely
- bashfully
- beautifully
- before
- begrudgingly
- believably
- besides
- bewilderedly
- bewilderingly
- bitterly
- bleakly
- blindly
- blissfully
- boastfully
- boldly
- boyishly
- bravely
- briefly
- brightly
- brilliantly
- briskly
- broadly
- brutally
- busily
- calmly
- candidly
- carefully
- carelessly
- casually
- cautiously
- certainly
- charmingly
- cheerfully
- chiefly
- childishly
- cleanly
- clearly
- cleverly
- closely
- cloudily
- clumsily
- coaxingly
- coincidentally
- coldly
- colorfully
- comfortably
- commonly
- compactly
- comparatively
- compassionately
- completely
- confusedly
- consequently
- considerably
- considerately
- consistently
- constantly
- continually
- continuously
- contrarily
- coolly
- correctly
- courageously
- conversely
- covertly
- crazily
- crossly
- cruelly
- cunningly
- curiously
- currently
- customarily
- cutely
- daily
- daintily
- dangerously
- daringly
- darkly
- dastardly
- dearly
- deceivingly
- decently
- deep
- deeply
- defiantly
- deftly
- deliberately
- delicately
- delightfully
- densely
- diagonally
- differently
- diligently
- dimly
- directly
- disorderly
- divisively
- docilely
- dopily
- doubtfully
- down
- dramatically
- dreamily
- eagerly
- early
- earnestly
- easily
- efficiently
- effortlessly
- elaborately
- eloquently
- elegantly
- elsewhere
- emotionally
- endlessly
- energetically
- enjoyably
- enormously
- enough
- enthusiastically
- entirely
- equally
- especially
- essentially
- eternally
- ethically
- even
- evenly
- eventually
- evermore
- every
- everywhere
- evidently
- evocatively
- exactly
- exceedingly
- exceptionally
- excitedly
- exclusively
- explicitly
- expressly
- extensively
- externally
- extra
- extraordinarily
- extremely
- fairly
- faithfully
- famously
- far
- fashionably
- fast
- fatally
- favorably
- ferociously
- fervently
- fiercely
- fiery
- finally
- financially
- finitely
- fluently
- fondly
- foolishly
- forever
- formally
- formerly
- fortunately
- forward
- frankly
- frantically
- freely
- frequently
- frenetically
- frightfully
- fully
- furiously
- further
- furthermore
- generally
- generously
- gently
- genuinely
- generally
- generously
- gently
- genuinely
- girlishly
- gladly
- gleefully
- gracefully
- graciously
- gradually
- gratefully
- greatly
- greedily
- grimly
- grudgingly
- habitually
- half-heartedly
- handily
- handsomely
- haphazardly
- happily
- hastily
- harmoniously
- harshly
- hastily
- hatefully
- hauntingly
- healthily
- heartily
- heavily
- helpfully
- helplessly
- hence
- henceforth
- highly
- hitherto
- honestly
- hopefully
- hopelessly
- horizontally
- hourly
- how
- however
- hugely
- humorously
- hungrily
- hurriedly
- hysterically
- icily
- identifiably
- idiotically
- imaginatively
- immeasurably
- immediately
- immensely
- impatiently
- impressively
- inappropriately
- incessantly
- incorrectly
- indeed
- independently
- indubitably
- inevitably
- infinitely
- informally
- infrequently
- innocently
- inquisitively
- instantly
- intelligently
- intensely
- intently
- interestingly
- intermittently
- internally
- invariably
- invisibly
- inwardly
- ironically
- irrefutably
- irritably
- jaggedly
- jauntily
- jealously
- jovially
- joyfully
- joylessly
- joyously
- jubilantly
- judgmentally
- just
- justly
- keenly
- kiddingly
- kindheartedly
- kindly
- knavishly
- knottily
- knowingly
- knowledgeably
- kookily
- lastly
- late
- lately
- later
- lazily
- less
- lightly
- likely
- likewise
- limply
- lithely
- lively
- loftily
- longingly
- loosely
- loudly
- lovingly
- loyally
- luckily
- luxuriously
- madly
- magically
- mainly
- majestically
- markedly
- materially
- meaningfully
- meanly
- meantime
- meanwhile
- measurably
- mechanically
- medically
- menacingly
- merely
- merrily
- methodically
- mightily
- miserably
- mockingly
- monthly
- morally
- more
- moreover
- mortally
- most
- mostly
- much
- mysteriously
- namely
- nastily
- naturally
- naughtily
- nearby
- nearly
- neatly
- needily
- needlessly
- negatively
- nervously
- never
- nevertheless
- next
- nicely
- nightly
- noisily
- nonetheless
- normally
- nosily
- not
- notably
- nowadays
- numbly
- obediently
- obligingly
- obnoxiously
- obviously
- occasionally
- oddly
- offensively
- officially
- often
- ominously
- once
- only
- openly
- optimistically
- orderly
- ordinarily
- otherwise
- outdoors
- outrageously
- outwardly
- outwards
- overconfidently
- overseas
- painfully
- painlessly
- paradoxically
- partially
- particularly
- passionately
- patiently
- perfectly
- periodically
- perpetually
- persistently
- personally
- persuasively
- physically
- plainly
- playfully
- poetically
- poignantly
- politely
- poorly
- positively
- possibly
- potentially
- powerfully
- presently
- presumably
- prettily
- previously
- primly
- principally
- probably
- promptly
- properly
- proudly
- punctually
- puzzlingly
- quaintly
- queasily
- queerly
- questionably
- questioningly
- quicker
- quickly
- quietly
- quirkily
- quite
- quizzically
- randomly
- rapidly
- rarely
- rather
- readily
- really
- reasonably
- reassuringly
- recently
- recklessly
- regularly
- reliably
- reluctantly
- remarkably
- repeatedly
- reproachfully
- responsibly
- resentfully
- respectably
- respectfully
- restfully
- richly
- ridiculously
- righteously
- rightfully
- rightly
- rigidly
- roughly
- routinely
- rudely
- ruthlessly
- sadly
- safely
- scarcely
- scarily
- scientifically
- searchingly
- secretively
- securely
- sedately
- seemingly
- seldom
- selfishly
- selflessly
- separately
- seriously
- shakily
- shamelessly
- sharply
- sheepishly
- shoddily
- shortly
- shrilly
- shyly
- significantly
- silently
- similarly
- simply
- sincerely
- singularly
- shyly
- skillfully
- sleepily
- slightly
- slowly
- slyly
- smoothly
- so
- softly
- solely
- solemnly
- solidly
- solicitously
- somehow
- sometimes
- somewhat
- somewhere
- soon
- specially
- specifically
- spectacularly
- speedily
- spiritually
- splendidly
- sporadically
- spasmodically
- startlingly
- steadily
- stealthily
- sternly
- still
- strenuously
- stressfully
- strictly
- structurally
- studiously
- stupidly
- stylishly
- subsequently
- substantially
- subtly
- successfully
- suddenly
- sufficiently
- suitably
- superficially
- supposedly
- supremely
- surely
- surprisingly
- suspiciously
- sweetly
- swiftly
- sympathetically
- systematically
- temporarily
- tenderly
- tensely
- tepidly
- terribly
- thankfully
- then
- thereafter
- therefore
- thereby
- thoroughly
- thoughtfully
- thus
- tightly
- today
- together
- tomorrow
- too
- totally
- touchingly
- tremendously
- triumphantly
- truly
- truthfully
- truthlessly
- twice
- ultimately
- unabashedly
- unaccountably
- unanimously
- unbearably
- unbelievably
- undoubtedly
- unemotionally
- unethically
- unexpectedly
- unfailingly
- unfavorably
- unfortunately
- uniformly
- unilaterally
- unimpressively
- universally
- unnaturally
- unnecessarily
- unquestionably
- unwillingly
- up
- upbeat
- unkindly
- upliftingly
- upright
- unselfishly
- upside-down
- unskillfully
- upward
- upwardly
- urgently
- usefully
- uselessly
- usually
- utterly
- vacantly
- vaguely
- vainly
- valiantly
- vastly
- verbally
- vertically
- very
- viciously
- victoriously
- vigilantly
- vigorously
- violently
- visibly
- visually
- vivaciously
- voluntarily
- warmly
- weakly
- wearily
- weekly
- well
- wetly
- whole-heartedly
- wholly
- wickedly
- widely
- wiggly
- wildly
- willfully
- willingly
- wisely
- woefully
- wonderfully
- worriedly
- worthily
- wrongly
- yawningly
- yearly
- yearningly
- yet
- yieldingly
- youthfully
- zanily
- zealously
- zestfully
- zestily