Word sums and word matrices are orthographic linguistic tools used in the study of spelling and morphology to help break down and analyze the structure of words including their bases, prefixes, suffixes, and other morphemes. These tools are commonly used in Structured Word Inquiry (SWI), a method that uncovers how words are built and their meanings.
A word sum shows how a word is built by combining its base with other morphemes (prefixes, suffixes, connecting vowels). Word sums are written like mathematical equations, illustrating how different parts of the word come together to form the whole.
A word matrix is a visual tool that shows all the potential combinations of morphemes that can create different forms of a word family from a single base. Word matrices allow for the exploration of multiple related words by demonstrating how different affixes can attach to a base.
The bound base <vegete> denotes “non-animal life” and forms a word family that contains relatives such as vegetable, vegetation, and vegetative.
“non-animal life [lively, active, sprightly, vigorous],” from Old French vegetable “living, fit to live,” directly from Medieval Latin vegetabilis “growing, flourishing,” from Late Latin vegetabilis “animating, enlivening,” from Latin vegetare “to enliven,” from vegetus “vigorous, enlivened, active, sprightly,” from vegere “to be alive, active, to quicken”
Word Sums
Vegete + able -> vegetable
Vegete + able + s -> vegetables
Vegete + ably -> vegetably
Vegete + ar + y -> vegetary
Vegete + ar + y + an -> vegetarian
Vegete + ar + y + an + s -> vegetarians
Vegete + ar + y + an + ism -> vegetarianism
Vegete + ate -> vegetate
Vegete + ate + s -> vegetates
Vegete + ate + ed -> vegetated
Vegete + ate + ing -> vegetating
Vegete + ate + ion -> vegetation
Vegete + ate + ion + s -> vegetations
Vegete + ate + ive -> vegetative
Vegete + ate + ive + ly -> vegetatively
Vegete + ate + ive + ness -> vegetativeness
Vegete + ate + ion + al -> vegetational
Vegete + ate + i + ous -> vegetatious
Vegete + al -> vegetal
Vegete + al + s -> vegetals
Vegete + al + ly -> vegetally
Vegete + ive -> vegetive
Vegete + ist -> vegetist
Vegete + ist + s -> vegetists
Vegete + ism -> vegetism
Vegete + ant -> vegetant
re + Vegete + ate -> revegetate
re + Vegete + ate + s -> revegetates
re + Vegete + ate + ed -> revegetated
re + Vegete + ate + ing -> revegetating
re + Vegete + ate + ion -> revegetation
re + Vegete + ate + ion + s -> revegetations
mult + i + Vegete + able -> multivegetable
non + Vegete + able -> nonvegetable
Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an -> ovolactovegetarian
Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + s -> ovolactovegetarians
Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + ism -> ovolactovegetarianism
Ove + o + Vegete + ar + y + an -> ovovegetarian
Ove + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + s-> ovovegetarians
Ove + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + ism -> ovovegetarianism
Ove + o + Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an -> ovolactovegetarian
Ove + o + Lact + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + s -> ovolactovegetarians
Ove + o + Vegete + ar + y + an + ism -> ovovegetarianism
vegete: non-animal life [lively, active, sprightly, vigorous]
-s: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb
-ing: forming present participle of verb
-able: word-forming element of English adjectives and generally adding a notion of capable of, allowed, worthy of, or requiring
-ably: forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives ending in -able
-al: relating to, of the kind of, of, relating to, resembling or containing the thing suffixed
-an: of or pertaining to
ant-: against, opposite of, contrary; counteracting, neutralizing
-ant: denoting attribution of an action or state
-ar: forming an adjective denoting of, near, or pertaining to
-ary: forming an adjective denoting of the kind of, belonging to, connected with, or pertaining to [ar + y]
-ate: forming a verb
-i-: connecting vowel
-ion: denoting state, condition, or action
-ism: forming a noun denoting a system, principle, or ideological movement; an action or its result; a state or quality
-ist: forming a personal noun denoting an adherent of a system of beliefs, principles, etc. expressed by a noun ending in -ism
-ive: tending to, having the nature of
lact: milk
-ly: denoting manner or degree
mult-: more than one, many
-ness: denoting a state or condition
non-: expressing negation or absence, not
-o-: connecting vowel
-ous: characterized by, of the nature of
ove: egg
re-: once again
-y: full of, having the quality of, inclined to; quality, state, action, or entity
vegete: (adjective) lively, active, sprightly, vigorous
vegetable: (adjective) capable of life or growth; growing, vigorous, (noun) non-animal life, originally any plant, plant cultivated for food, edible herb or root
vegetables: plural of vegetable
vegetably: (adverb) in vegetable terms or by vegetable means
vegetary: (adjective) characterized by life and growth, consisting of or characterized by vegetables or vegetation
vegetarian: (noun) one who eats only plants and no animals, herbivore
vegetarians: plural of vegetarian
vegetarianism: (noun) restriction of the diet to plants
vegetate: (verb) to grow or sprout; to live a passive existence without exertion
vegetates: third person singular of vegetate
vegetated: simple past and past participle of vegetate
vegetating: present participle of vegetate
vegetation: (noun) plants, vegetable growth
vegetations: plural of vegetation
vegetative: (adjective) of or relating to plants, physically inactive, of a state of impaired brain function
vegetatively: (adverb) in a vegetative manner
vegetativeness: (noun) quality of being a vegetable or like a vegetable
vegetational: (adjective) of or pertaining to vegetation
vegetatious: (adjective) variation of vegetational
vegetal: (adjective) relating to plants, (noun) any vegetable organism
vegetals: plural of vegetal
vegetally: (adverb) in a vegetal manner
vegetive: (adjective) variation of vegetative, (noun) obsolete term for vegetable
vegetist: (noun) variation of vegetarian
vegetists: plural of vegetist
vegetism: (noun) vegetal state or characteristic
vegetant: (adjective) causing growth, vegetation-like
revegetate: (verb) to become recolonized by plants, to produce a new growth of vegetation, to vegetate again
revegetates: third person singular of revegetate
revegetated: simple past and past participle of revegetate
revegetating: present participle of revegetate
revegetation: (noun) the act or process of revegetating
revegetations: plural of revegetation
multivegetable: (adjective) of or pertaining to more than one vegetable
nonvegetable: (adjective) not of or pertaining to vegetables
lactovegetarian: (noun) vegetarian who consumes dairy
lactovegetarians: plural of lactovegetarian
lactovegetarianism: (noun) restriction of the diet to plants and dairy products
ovovegetarian: (noun) vegetarian who consumes eggs
ovovegetarians: plural of ovovegetarian
ovovegetarianism: (noun) restriction of the diet to plants and eggs
ovolactovegetarian: (noun) vegetarian who consumes eggs and dairy
ovolactovegetarians: plural of ovolactovegetarian
ovolactovegetarianism: (noun) restriction of the diet to plants, eggs, and dairy products