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Word Matrix: Thank

Word Matrix: Thank

“thought, gratitude; think, feel,” from Old English þancianþoncian,
compare related Old English noun þancþonc

Words Sums

Thank + s -> thanks
Thank + ed -> thanked
Thank + ing -> thanking

Thank + ful -> thankful
Thank + ful + ness -> thankfulness
Thank + ful + ly -> thankfully
un + Thank + ful -> unthankful
un + Thank + ed -> unthanked
Thank + less -> thankless
Thank + less + ly -> thanklessly
Thank + less + ness -> thanklessness

Thank + er -> thanker
Thank + er + s ->thankers

Thank + s + Give + ing -> Thanksgiving
Thanks + s + Give + ing + s -> thanksgivings

be + Thank -> bethank
be + Thank + s-> bethanks
be + Thank + ed -> bethanked
be + Thank + ing -> bethanking

Pick + Thank -> pickthank
Pick + Thank + s -> pickthanks
Pick + Thank + ed -> pickthanked
Pick + Thank + ing -> pickthanking

Thank + Worth + y -> thankworthy
Thank + Worth + y + ness -> thankworthiness

English Sentences: From Declarative to Interrogative

English Sentences: From Declarative to Interrogative

Word Matrix: Augur(e)

Word Matrix: Augur(e)