in ,

Word Matrix: Swim

Swim Word Matrix
“move in water” Old English swimman (verb), of Germanic origin

Word Sums

Swim + s = swims
Swim + ing = swimming
Swim + ing + ly = swimmingly
Swim + er = swimmer
Swim + er + s = swimmers
non + Swim + er = nonswimmer
non + Swim + er + s = nonswimmers
pro + Swim + er = pro-swimmer
pro + Swim + er + s = pro-swimmers
Swim + er + et = swimmeret
Swim + er + et + s = swimmerets
Swim + y = swimmy
Swim + y + er = swimmier
Swim + y + est = swimmiest
Swim + y + ly = swimmily
Swim + Suit = swimsuit
Swim + Suit + s = swimsuits
Swim + Wear = swimwear
Out + Swim = outswim
Out + Swim + s = outswims
Out + Swim + ing = outswimming


swim: (verb) move in water, propel the body through water
-s: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ing: forming present participle of verb
-er: forming comparative of adjective
-est: forming superlative of adjective

-et: forming a diminutive noun
-er: denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or activity
-ly: denoting manner or degree
non-: not, expressing negation or absence
out: to the point of surpassing or exceeding
pro-: professional
suit: (noun) a set of clothes to be worn for a particular activity
wear: (noun) clothing suitable for a particular purpose or of a particular type
-y: full of, having the quality of


swims: plural of swim, third person singular of swim
swimming: present participle of swim
swimmingly: (adverb) smoothly and satisfactorily, in a manner like gliding through water
swimmer: (noun) one who swims
swimmers: plural of swimmer
nonswimmer: (noun) one who does not swim or is not swimming
nonswimmers: plural of nonswimmer
pro-swimmer: (noun) professional swimmer
pro-swimmers: plural of pro-swimmer
swimmeret: (noun) a forked swimming limb of a crustacean, small thing used for swimming
swimmerets: plural of swimmeret
swimmy: (adjective) dizzy, swirling or moving as if seen in a daze
swimmier: comparative form of swimmy
swimmiest: superlative form of swimmy
swimmily: (adverb) in a swimmy manner
swimsuit: (noun) a set of clothes to be worn for swimming
swimsuits: plural of swimsuit
swimwear: (noun) clothing suitable for swimming
outswim: (verb) swim faster than
outswims: third person singular of outswim
outswimming: present participle of outswim


swam: simple past of swim
swum: past participle of swim
outswim: simple past of outswim
outswum: past participle of outswim

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