“learn, examine, show zeal for” from Old French estudiier, from Medieval Latin studiare, from Latin studium “study, application,” originally “eagerness,” from studere “to be diligent”
Words Sums
Stude + y -> study
Stude + y + es -> studies
Stude + y + ed -> studied
Stude + y + ing -> studying
Out + Stude + y -> outstudy
Out + Stude + y + es -> outstudies
Out + Stude + y + ed -> outstudied
Out + Stude + y + ing -> outstudying
Over + Stude + y -> overstudy
Over + Stude + y + es -> overstudies
Over + Stude + y + ed -> overstudied
Over + Stude + y + ing -> overstudying
re + Stude + y -> restudy
re + Stude + y + es -> restudies
re + Stude + y + ed -> restudied
re + Stude + y + ing -> restudying
Under + Stude + y -> understudy
Under + Stude + y + es -> understudies
Under + Stude + y + ed -> understudied
Under + Stude + y + ing -> understudying
Stude + y + ous -> studious
Stude + y + ous + ly -> studiously
Stude + y + ous + ness -> studiousness
Stude + y + ous + ness + es -> studiousnesses
Stude + y + ed + ly -> studiedly
Stude + y + ed + ness -> studiedness
Stude + y + ed + ness + es -> studiednesses
un + Stude + y + ed -> unstudied
Stude + ent -> student
Stude + ent + s -> students
Stude + y + er -> studier
Stude + y + er + s -> studiers
non + Stude + ent -> nonstudent
non + Stude + ent + s -> nonstudents
anti + Stude + ent -> antistudent
Stude + ent + ship -> studentship
Stude + ent + ship + s -> studentships
Stude + y + o -> studio
Stude + y + o + s -> studios
stude: learn, examine, show zeal for
-s/-es: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb
-ing: forming present participle of verb
-ant: denoting attribution of an action or state, agent or instrumental suffix
anti-*: against, opposed to, opposite of, instead
-ent: forming adjectives denoting an occurrence of action and nouns denoting an agent [variation of -ant]
-er: denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or activity
-i-: connecting vowel
-ly: denoting manner or degree
-ness: denoting a state or condition
non-: expressing negation or absence, not
-o: place, location
ous: characterized by, of the nature of
out: to the point of surpassing or exceeding
over: on top of, higher than, above, further up; beyond, past, exceeding
under: beneath, among, before, in the presence of, in subjection to, under the rule of, by means of, below
re-: once again
-ship: appended to a noun to form a new noun denoting a property or state of being, time spent in a role, or a specialized union
un-: denoting the absence of a quality or state, not, denoting reversal, a lack of
-y: quality, state, action, or entity
*A note on the <anti-> prefix: <anti-> is Greek and therefore cannot contain an <i> connecting vowel. Many Greek prefixes have two forms: (1) a prefix that ends in a vowel and precedes a consonant stem and (2) a prefix that ends in a consonant and precedes a vowel stem.