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Word Matrix: Somn

Somn Word Matrix

“sleep” from somnus “sleep”

Words Sums

Somn + us = somnus
Somn + o + G(e)n(e) = somnogen
Somn + o + G(e)n(e) + s = somnogens
Somn + o + G(e)n(e) + ic = somnogenic
Somn + ole + ism = somnolism
Somn + ole + ent = somnolent
Somn + ole + ent + ly = somnolently
Somn + ole + ence = somnolence
Somn + ole + ence + s = somnolences
Somn + Amb + (U)le = somnambule
Somn + Amb + (U)le + s = somnambules
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ant = somnambulant
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ant + s = somnambulants
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ar = somnambular
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ar + y = somnambulary
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + or = somnambulator
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + or + s = somnambulators
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + or + y = somnambulatory
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate = somnambulate
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + s = somnambulates
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + ed = somnambulated
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + ing = somnambulating
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + ion = somnambulation
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ate + ion + s = somnambulations
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ism = somnambulism
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ism + s =
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ist = somnambulist
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ist + s = somnambulists
Somn + Amb + (U)le + ist + ic = somnambulistic
Somn + i + Face + i + ent = somnifacient
Somn + i + Face + i + ent + s = somnifacients
Somn + i + Fer + ous = somniferous
Somn + i + Fer + ous + ly = somniferously
Somn + i + Fic = somnific
Somn + i + al = somnial
Somn + i + Vole + ence + y = somnivolency
Somn + i + Vole + ence + y + es = somnivolencies
‪Somn + i + Loqu + y‬ = somniloquy
Somn + i + Loqu + y‬ + es = somniloquies
Somn + i + Loqu + ence‬ = somniloquence
Somn + i + Loqu + ent = somniloquent
Somn + i + Loqu + ent + s = somniloquents
Somn + i + Loqu + ism = somniloquism
Somn + i + Loqu + ism + s = somniloquisms
‪Somn + i + Loqu + ist‬ = somniloquist
Somn + i + Loqu + ist‬ + s = somniloquists
Somn + i + Loqu + ous = somniloquous
Somn + i + Loqu + ize = somniloquize
Somn + i + Loqu + ize + s = somniloquizes
Somn + i + Loqu + ize + ed = somniloquized
Somn + i + Loqu + ize + ing = somniloquizing
Somn + i + Loqu + Ace + ous = somniloquacious
Somn + i + Loqu + Ace + i + ous + ly = somniloquaciously
Somn + i + Loqu + Ace + i + ous + ness = somniloquaciousness
Somn + i + Path = somnipath
Somn + i + Path + s = somnipaths
Somn + i + Path + y = somnipathy
Somn + i + Path + y + es = somnipathies
Somn + i + Phobe + i + a = somniphobia
Somn + i + Phobe = somniphobe
Somn + i + Phobe + s = somniphobes
Somn + i + Phobe + ic = somniphobic

in + Somn + i + a = insomnia
in + Somn + i + a + s = insomnias
in + Somn + i + ac = insomniac
in + Somn + i + ac + s = insomniacs

hyper + Somn + i + a = hypersomnia
hyper + Somn + i + a + s = hypersomnias
hyper + Somn + i + ac = hypersomniac
hyper + Somn + i + ac + s = hypersomniacs
hyper + Somn + ole + ence = hypersomnolence

para + Somn + i + a = parasomnia
para + Somn + i + a + s = parasomnias
para + Somn + i + ac = parasomniac
para + Somn + i + ac + s = parasomniacs

dys + Somn + i + a = dyssomnia
dys + Somn + i + a + s = dyssomnias
dys + Somn + i + ac = dyssomniac
dys + Somn + i + ac + s = dyssomniacs


somn: sleep
-s/-es: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb
-ing: forming present participle of verb

-a: word-forming element in names of countries, diseases, animals, and plants
ace: belonging to, of the nature of
-acious: expressing intensity of action (“given to, inclined to, abounding in”) or expressing intensity of physical or mental action [Ace + i + ous]
-al: relating to, of the kind of, of, relating to, resembling or containing the thing suffixed
amb: on both sides, around
-ant: forming adjectives denoting an occurrence of action and nouns denoting an agent
-ate: forming a verb
dys-: bad, ill; hard, difficult; abnormal, imperfect
-ence: state or quality, process, or action
-ency: word-forming element denoting state, condition, or quality [ence + y]
-ent: forming adjectives denoting an occurrence of action and nouns denoting an agent [variation of -ant]
face: make
-facient: word-forming element meaning “a doer, one who or that which does”
fer: bear, carry, produce
fic: making, creating
g(e)n(e): something produced, thing that produces or causes
hyper-: over, above, beyond, exceedingly, to excess
-i-: connecting vowel
-ic: forming an adjective that denotes relating to
in-: not, without, opposite of
-ion: denoting state, condition, or action
-ism: forming a noun denoting a system, principle, or ideological movement; an action or its result; a state or quality
-ist: ‪word-forming element meaning “one who does or makes”‬
-ize: word-forming element used to make verbs
loqu: speak, talk
-ly: denoting manner or degree
-o-: connecting vowel
-ole: forming a noun from words that were originally Latin diminutive
-or: denoting a state or quality
-or: denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or activity
-ous: characterized by, of the nature of
para: above, beyond, abnormal
path: suffering, word-forming element used in modern formations to mean “one suffering from”
-pathy: word-forming element meaning “feeling, suffering, emotion; disorder, disease” [path + y]
phile: denoting a person or thing having a fondness for a specified thing
phobe: fear
(u)le: go
-us: variation of -um, denotes singular grammatical number
vole: wish, want
-y: quality, state, action, or entity


Somnus: (noun) the personification of sleep in Roman mythology
somnogen: (noun) something that induces sleep
somnogens: plural of somnogen
somnogenic: (adjective) sleep-inducing
somnolism: (noun) process or act of inducing hypnosis, practice or study of hypnosis
somnolent: (adjective) drowsy, sleepy, causing sleepiness, soporific
somnolently: (adverb) sleepily, in a sleepy way or manner
somnolence: (noun) state of drowsiness or sleepiness
somnolences: plural of somnolence
somnambule: (noun) obsolete form of somnambulist
somnambules: plural of somnambule
somnambulant: (adjective) resembling or characteristic of a sleepwalker, sluggish, (noun) sleepwalker
somnambulants : plural of somnambulant
somnambular: (adjective) of, relating to, or characterized by somnambulism
somnambulary: (adjective) variation of somnambulatory
somnambulator: (noun) archaic form of somnambulist
somnambulators: plural of somnambulator
somnambulatory: (adjective) of, pertaining to, or subject to somnambulation; carried out while sleepwalking; going through motions
somnambulate: (verb) to sleepwalk, to walk while sleeping
somnambulates: third person singular of somnambulate
somnambulated: simple past and past participle of somnambulate
somnambulating: present participle of somnambulate
somnambulation: (noun) phenomenon of sleepwalking
somnambulations: plural of somnambulation
somnambulism: (noun) sleepwalking
somnambulisms: plural of somnambulism
somnambulist: (noun) sleepwalker, one who walks while sleeping
somnambulists: plural of somnambulist
somnambulistic: (adjective) of or pertaining to a somnambulist
somnifacient: (adjective) inducing or causing sleep, (noun) any pharmaceutical product that causes sleep
somnifacients: plural of somnifacient
somniferous: (adjective) causing or inducing sleep, soporific
somniferously: (adverb) in a sleep-inducing way or manner
somnific: (adjective) variation of somniferous
somnial: (adjective) of or relating to sleep or dreams
somnivolency: (noun) that which induces sleep
somnivolencies: plural of somnivolency
somniloquy: (noun) sleeptalking
somniloquies: plural of somniloquy
somniloquence: (noun) the act of sleeptalking
somniloquent: variation of somniloquist
somniloquents: plural of somniloquent
somniloquism: (noun) act or habit of talking in one’s sleep
somniloquisms: plural of somniloquism
somniloquist: (noun) one who talks in their sleep
somniloquists: plural of somniloquist
somniloquous: (adjective) talking while asleep
somniloquize: (verb) to talk while asleep, to sleep talk
somniloquizes: third person singular of somniloquize
somniloquized: simple past and past participle of somniloquize
somniloquizing: present participle of somniloquize
somniloquacious: (adjective) talkative in one’s sleep
somniloquaciously: (adverb) in a somniloquacious manner or way
somniloquaciousness: (noun) state or property of being somniloquacious
somnipath: (noun) one who experiences somnipathy
somnipaths: plural of somnipath
somnipathy: (noun) variation of parasomnia
somnipathies: plural of somnipathy
somniphobia: (noun) fear of sleep, fear of falling asleep
somniphobe: (noun) one who fears sleep or falling asleep
somniphobes: plural of somniphobe
somniphobic: (adjective) related to the fear of sleep or falling asleep

insomnia: (noun) habitual sleeplessness or an inability to sleep
insomnias: plural of insomnia
insomniac: (noun) one who experiences habitual sleeplessness or an inability to sleep
insomniacs: plural of insomniac

hypersomnia: (noun) excessive sleepiness
hypersomnias: plural of hypersomnia
hypersomniac: (noun) one who experiences excessive sleepiness
hypersomniacs: plural of hypersomniac
hypersomnolence: (noun) variation of hypersomnia

parasomnia: (noun) sleep disorder, abnormal sleep
parasomnias: plural of parasomnia
parasomniac: (noun) one who experiences parasomnia
parasomniacs: plural of parasomniac

dyssomnia: (noun) difficulty in falling asleep or in remaining asleep
dyssomnias: plural of dyssomnia
dyssomniac: (noun) one who experiences difficulty in falling asleep or in remaining asleep
dyssomniacs: plural of dyssomniac

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