“found in or pertaining to the sea,” from Old French marin “of the sea, maritime,”
and directly from Latin marinus “of the sea,” from mare “sea, the sea, seawater”
Word Sums
Mare + ine = marine
Mare + ine + s = marines
Mare + ine + a = marina
Mare + ine + a + s = marinas
Mare + ine + er = mariner
Mare + ine + er + s = mariners
Mare + ine + ate = marinate
Mare + ine + ate + s = marinates
Mare + ine + ate + ed = marinated
Mare + ine + ate + ing = marinating
Mare + ine + ate + ion = marination
Mare + ine + ade = marinade
Mare + ine + ade + s = marinades
Mare + i + Time = maritime
sub + Mare + ine = submarine
sub + Mare + ine + s = submarines
sub + Mare + ine + er = submariner
sub + Mare + ine + er + s = submariners
sub + Mare + ine + a = submarina
sub + Mare + ine + a + s = submarinas
anti + sub + Mare + ine = antisubmarine
Aqu + a + Mare + ine = aquamarine
Ultra + Mare + ine = ultramarine
trans + Mare + ine = transmarine
Horse + Mare + ine = horse-marine
Horse + Mare + ine + s = horse-marines
mare: sea
-s: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb
-ing: forming present participle of verb
-a: denoting a place
-ade: forming a noun denoting the product or result of an action or process
anti-: opposed to, against
aqu: water, the sea, rain
-ate: forming a verb
-er: denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or activity
-i-: connecting vowel
-ine: forming an adjective meaning belonging to or resembling in nature
-ion: denoting state, condition, or action
sub-: under, lower
time: the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole
trans-: across, beyond, through, on the other side of, to go beyond
ultra: beyond
marine: (adjective) relating to or found in the sea; (noun) a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or sea
marines: plural of marine
marina: (noun) sea place, a harbor with moorings for pleasure yachts and small boats
marinas: plural of marina
mariner: (noun) person of the sea, a sailor
mariners: plural of marina
marinate: (verb) soak food in a marinade
marinates: third person singular of marinate
marinated: simple past and past participle of marinate
marinating: present participle of marinate
marination: (noun) denoting the process of soaking food in a marinade
marinade: (noun) product of the sea, a mixture of ingredients (often including salt and water) in which food is soaked before cooking
marinades: plural of marinade
maritime: (adjective) sea time, connected with the sea
submarine: (noun) underwater ship, a submersible ship
submarines: plural of submarine
submariner: (noun) underwater person, sailor on a submarine
submariners: plural of submariner
submarina: (noun) underwater place, harbor for submarines
submarinas: plural of submarina
antisubmarine: (adjective) against underwater ships, a branch of underwater warfare that uses surface warships, aircraft, or other submarines to find, track, and deter, damage, or destroy enemy submarines
aquamarine: (noun, adjective) a light bluish-green color like sea water
ultramarine: (noun, adjective) a brilliant deep blue colour
transmarine: (adjective) across the sea, situated or originating on the other side of the sea
horse-marine: (noun) a person out of their element and unfit for their place
horse-marines: plural of horse-marines