in ,

Word Matrix: Cat

Word Matrix: Cat

“feline” from Old English catt

Words Sums

Cat + s -> cats
Cat + ed -> catted
Cat + ing -> catting
Cat + y -> catty
Cat + y + er -> cattier
Cat + y + est -> cattiest
Cat + Bird -> catbird
Cat + Bird + s -> catbirds
Cat + Fish -> catfish
Cat + Fish + es -> catfishes
Cat + Fish + ed -> catfished
Cat + Fish + ing -> catfishing
Cat + Tail -> cattail
Cat + Tail + s -> cattails
Cat + ling -> catling
Cat + ling + s -> catlings
Cat + dom -> catdom
Cat + dom + s -> catdoms
Cat + hood -> cathood
Cat + Suit -> catsuit
Cat + Suit + s -> catsuits
Cat + Woman -> catwoman
Cat + Women -> catwomen
Cat + Girl -> catgirl
Cat + Girl + s -> catgirls
Cat + Man -> catman
Cat + Men -> catmen
Cat + Boy -> catboy
Cat + Boy + s -> catboys
Wild + Cat -> wildcat
Wild + Cat + s -> wildcats
Bob + Cat -> bobcat
Bob + Cat + s -> bobcats
Cat + ish -> cattish
Cat + Call -> catcall
Cat + Call + s -> catcalls
Cat + Call + ed -> catcalled
Cat + Call + ing -> catcalling
Cat + Walk -> catwalk
Cat + Walk + s -> catwalks
Cat + Walk + ed -> catwalked
Cat + Walk + ing -> catwalking
Cat + kin -> catkin
Cat + kin + s -> catkins
Cat + Nip -> catnip
Cat + Nip + s -> catnips
Cat + Nap -> catnap
Cat + Nap + s -> catnaps
Cat + Nap + ed -> catnapped
Cat + Nap + ing -> catnapping
Cat + Nap + ing + s -> catnappings
Cat + Nap + er -> catnapper
Cat + Nap + er + s -> catnappers
Cat + Nap + ee -> catnappee
Cat + Nap + ee + s -> catnappees
Hell + Cat -> hellcat
Hell + Cat + s -> hellcats
Copy + Cat -> copycat
Copy + Cat + s -> copycats
Hep + Cat -> hepcat
Hep + Cat + s -> hepcats
Pole + Cat -> polecat
Pole + Cat + s -> polecats
Tom + Cat -> tomcat
Tom + Cat + s -> tomcats
Cat + Gut -> catgut
Cat + Gut + s -> catguts
Cat + Head -> cathead
Cat + Head + s -> catheads
Cat + Lap -> catlap
Cat + Lap + s -> catlaps
Cat + Like -> catlike
Cat + Loaf -> catloaf
Cat + Loave + s -> catloaves
Cat + ly -> catly
Cat + ly + er -> catlier
Cat + ly + est -> catliest
Cat + Mint -> catmint
Cat + Mint + s -> catmints
House + Cat -> housecat
House + Cat + s -> housecats
Lol + Cat -> lolcat
Lol + Cat + s -> lolcats
Spoke + s + Cat -> spokescat
Spoke + s + Cat + s -> spokescats
Cat + Shit -> catshit
Cat + Shit + s -> catshits


cat: feline
-s/-es: forming plural of noun
-s: forming third person singular of verbs
-ed: forming simple past and past participle of weak verb
-ing: forming present participle of verb
-er: forming comparative of adjective
-est: forming superlative of adjective

bird: feathered, warm-blooded vertebrate animal of the class Aves
bob: short
boy: young male person
call: loud cry, outcry; summons, invitation; cry out; summon, invoke; ask for, demand, order; give a name to, apply by way of designation
copy: duplicate
-dom: forming a noun that denotes a state or condition
-ee: forming a noun denoting a person described as or concerned with or denoting the person affected directly or indirectly by the action of the formative verb
-er: denoting a person or thing that performs a specified action or activity
fish: cold-blooded vertebrate with gills for living in the water
girl: young female person
gut: bowels, entrails
head: top of the body; upper end of a slope
hell: nether world, abode of the dead, underworld
hep: aware, up-to-date
-hood: denoting a condition or state of being, denoting a group sharing a specified condition or state
house: dwelling, shelter, building designed to be used as a residence
-ish: having the qualities or characteristics of, somewhat
-kin: forming a diminutive
lap: lick
like: similar to, characteristic of
-ling: forming a diminutive
loaf: portion of bread baked in a mass of definite form
loave: alternant morphemic form of loaf
lol: abbreviation of laughing out loud
-ly: denoting manner or degree
man: male person [singular]
men: male people [plural]
mint: aromatic herb
nap: short spell of sleep
nip: name of an aromatic herb
pole: fowl, hen
shit: dung, excrement
spoke: utter words, make a speech, hold discourse
suit: set of clothes to be worn for a particular activity
tail: hindmost part of an animal
tom: male, from familiar shortening of Thomas
walk: travel on foot
wild: in the natural state, uncultivated, untamed, undomesticated, uncontrolled
woman: female person [singular]
women: female people [plural]
-y: diminutive suffix


Caturday: blend of cat and Saturday

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