Notional grammars traditionally define the preposition as a word that “links to other words, phrases, and clauses” and that “expresses spatial or temporal relations.” A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition plus another word, phrase, or clause functioning as the prepositional complement.
In grammar, the conjunct adverbial is a word or phrase that expresses a textual relationship. Prepositional phrases can function as conjunct adverbials in English. Examples of prepositional phrases as conjunct adverbials include the following:
- Determiners, on the contrary, are not adjectives.
- In fact, some prepositions developed from verbs.
- In conclusion, determiners are neither adjectives nor pronouns.
- For example, prototypical nouns have singular and plural forms.
- On the one hand, some prepositions resemble present participles in form.
- In addition, understanding the difference between form and function is essential.
Prepositional Phrase as Conjunct Adverbial

For more information about prepositions and prepositional phrases, see A Form-Function Description of the Grammar of the Modern English Language: Book 1 (Level 7) and A Form-Function Description of the Grammar of the Modern English Language: Book 1 (Level 8) of A Form-Function English Grammar.
Brinton, Laurel J. & Donna M. Brinton. 2010. The linguistic structure of Modern English, 2nd edn. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Hopper, Paul J. 1999. A short course in grammar. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Huddleston, Rodney. 1984. Introduction to the grammar of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kosur, Heather Marie. 2021. A Form-Function Description of the Grammar of the Modern English Language: Book 1 (Level 7). Rock Pickle Publishing.
Kosur, Heather Marie. 2021. A Form-Function Description of the Grammar of the Modern English Language: Book 1 (Level 8). Rock Pickle Publishing.