Because of the sheer quantity of conjugations as compared to English, the Spanish verb system is often the most difficult part of the language for Spanish students to master. If, however, Spanish language learners have a strong vocabulary of Spanish verbs, then learning to conjugate becomes a much easier task. The following sections list, define, and explain the most frequent regular verbs in the Spanish language.
Regular -ar Spanish Verbs
Regular -ar verbs are the most common type of verb in the Spanish language. The following verbs are the most frequently used regular -ar Spanish verbs that Spanish language students should learn and understand:
- acabar: to complete, to finish
- aceptar: to accept
- afeitar: to shave
- amar: to love
- ayudar: to help, to assist
- bailar: to dance
- bañar: to bathe, to wash
- besar: to kiss
- cambiar: to change
- caminar: to walk
- cantar: to sing
- casarse: to marry, to wed
- cenar: to eat dinner/supper
- cocinar: to cook
- comprar: to buy
- cortar: to cut
- cuidar: to guard
- dejar: to leave
- desayunar: to eat breakfast
- descansar: to rest
- desear: to wish, desire
- dibujar: to draw
- disfrutar: to enjoy
- disgustar:- to disgust
- duchar: to shower
- dudar: to doubt
- enamorarse: to fall in love
- enfermarse: to get sick, to become ill
- enojar: to anger
- enseñar: to show, to teach
- entrar: to enter
- escuchar: to listen, to hear
- estudiar: to study
- fumar: to smoke
- ganar: to win
- gastar: to spend
- gritar: to scream, to shout, to yell
- gustar: to please, be pleasing
- hablar: to speak, to talk
- lastimar: to injure, to hurt
- lavar: to wash
- limpiar: to clean
- llamar: to call
- llevar: to take, to wear
- llorar: to cry
- mandar: to send, to command
- manejar: to drive
- mirar: to watch, to see, to look
- molestar: to annoy, to bother
- nadar: to swim
- necesitar: to need
- ocupar: to occupy
- olvidar: to forget
- participar: to participate
- pasar: to pass time, to spend time
- pintar: to paint
- planchar: to iron
- preguntar: to ask a question
- preocuparse: to preoccupy, to concern
- preparar: to prepare
- prestar: to lend, to borrow
- terminar: to terminate, to end
- tomar: to drink, to take
- trabajar: to work
- usar: to use
- viajar: to travel
- visitar: to visit
- voltear: to turn
- vomitar: to vomit
Note also that most new verbs that enter the Spanish language are -ar verbs.
Regular -er Spanish Verbs
Regular -er verbs are the least abundant type of regular verb in the Spanish language. The following verbs are the most frequently used regular -er Spanish verbs that students studying Spanish should learn and understand:
- aprender: to learn
- barrer: to sweep
- beber: to drink
- comer: to eat
- comprender: to comprehend, to understand
- correr: to run
- deber: to owe, to ought to, should
- depender: to depend
- esconder: to hide
- poseer: to own, to possess
- romper: to break
- sorprender: to surprise
- temer: to fear, to be afraid of
- toser: to cough
- vender: to sell, to vend
Note that many irregular and stem-changing verbs such as ser “to be” and tener “to have, to be” also have an -er ending.
Regular -ir Spanish Verbs
Regular -ir verbs are the second most frequent kinds of regular verb in Spanish. The following verbs are the most frequently used regular -ir verbs in the Spanish language that students learning Spanish should learn and understand:
- abrir: to open
- aburrir: to bore, to be boring
- acudir: to attend, to answer a call
- admitir: to admit, to permit
- aplaudir: to applaud
- asistir: to attend
- cubrir: to cover
- decidir: to decide
- definir: to define
- describir: to describe
- discutir: to discuss
- escribir: to write
- existir: to exist
- insistir: to insist
- interrumpir: to interrupt
- ocurrir: to occur
- permitir: to permit, to allow
- prohibir: to prohibit, to forbid
- recibir recib- to receive
- subir: to rise, to climb
- vivir: to live, to be alive
Spanish language students often find learning to conjugate Spanish verbs the most difficult part of learning the language. However, by learning these lists of most frequent regular Spanish verbs, Spanish learners will discover that learning conjugation becomes easier.
For a list of the most frequent irregular and stem-changing Spanish verbs, please refer to Spanish Verbs: Most Frequent Stem-Changing and Irregular Verbs in Spanish.
Note: I have studied Spanish as a foreign language. Please feel free to correct any mistakes that I have made in my Spanish.