Punctuation marks are a convention of written language that ensure the clarity of writing for both readers and writers. There are three punctuation rules for using apostrophes as punctuation marks in written American English:
- Possessive nouns
- Contractions and omissions
- Pluralized lowercase letters and words as words
The following sections explain and provide examples of the punctuation rules for apostrophes in written English.
Possessive Nouns
Use an apostrophe to form a possessive noun. Place the apostrophe before the plural s for a singular noun that ends in any letter except s. For example:
- neighbor’s
- parent’s
- café’s
- Max’s
Place the apostrophe after the last s for a singular noun that ends in s. For example:
- Luis’
- walrus’
- princess’
- actress’
Place the apostrophe after the plural s for a plural noun that ends in s. For example:
- teachers’
- electricians’
- actors’
- Martians’
Place the apostrophe before the possessive s for a plural noun that ends in any letter except s. For example:
- brethren’s
- alumna’s
- children’s
- lice’s
Do not use an apostrophe with possessive personal pronouns or possessive determiners.
Contractions and Omissions
Use an apostrophe to form a contraction. For example:
- ’tis – it is
- ’twas – it was
- ain’t – am not, are not, is not
- aren’t – are not, am not
- can’t – cannot
- could’ve – could have
- couldn’t – could not
- didn’t – did not
- doesn’t – does not
- don’t – do not
- hasn’t – has not
- he’d – he had, he would
- he’ll – he will, he shall
- he’s – he is
- how’d – how did
- how’ll – how will, how shall
- how’s – how is
- I’d – I had, I would
- I’ll – I will, I shall
- I’m – I am
- I’ve – I have
- isn’t – is not
- it’s – it is (not the possessive determiner its)
- might’ve – might have
- mightn’t – might not
- must’ve – must have
- mustn’t – must not
- shan’t – shall not
- she’d – she had, she would
- she’ll – she will, she shall
- she’s – she is
- should’ve – should have
- shouldn’t – should not
- that’ll – that will
- that’s – that is
- there’s – there is
- they’d – they had, they would
- they’ll – they will, they shall
- they’re – they are
- they’ve – they have
- wasn’t – was not
- we’d – we had, we would
- we’ll – we will, we shall
- we’re – we are
- weren’t – were not
- what’d – what did
- what’s – what is
- when’d – when did
- when’ll – when will
- when’s – when is
- where’d – where did
- where’ll – where will, where shall
- where’s – where is
- who’d – who had, who would
- who’ll – who will, who shall
- who’s – who is
- why’d – why had, why would
- why’ll – why will, why shall
- why’s – why is
- won’t – will not
- would’ve – would have
- wouldn’t – would not
- you’d – you had, you would
- you’ll – you will, you shall
- you’re – you are
- you’ve – you have
Use an apostrophe to mark another letter or sound omission. For example:
- My youngest brother was born in ’92.
- The ’80s were a strange time for music.
- The chair is fixin’ to fall down.
- Is the wea’er cold today? (weather)
Pluralized Lowercase Letters and Words Used as Words
Use an apostrophe to pluralize a lowercase letter or a word used as a word. For example:
- Mind your p’s and q’s!
- Have you learned your abc’s?
- You misspelled all the they’re‘s in your email.
- Your speech contained a lot of like‘s and you know‘s.
Do not use an apostrophe to pluralize capital letters, numbers, symbols, and acronyms.
Punctuation is a convention of written language that helps readers and writers more clearly understand writing. Apostrophes perform three basic functions in written American English: in possessive nouns, in contractions and omissions, and with pluralized lowercase letters and words used as words.
Faigley, Lester. 2003. The Brief Penguin Handbook. New York: Pearson Longman.
Gibaldi, Joseph. 2003. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.