The sentence He who remains lives in the citadel at the end of time functions as a declaration. A declaration is a sentence or fragment that conveys information or makes a statement.
The noun phrase he who remains functions as the complete subject. The personal pronoun he functions as the simple subject. A subject is a word, phrase, or clause that performs the action of or acts upon the verb in the predicate.
The adjective clause who remains functions as the noun phrase modifier of the pronoun he. An adjective clause consists of a relative pronoun or relative adverb plus a clause. A noun phrase modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that describes a noun, pronoun, noun phrase, or other nominal form. Within the adjective clause, the relative pronoun who functions as the subject of the clause. The verb remains forms the verb phrase that functions as the predicate the clause.
The verb lives functions as the simple predicate of the entire sentence. The verb lives also forms a verb phrase that functions as the complete predicate of the entire sentence. A predicate is a word or phrase that contains a finite verb and that expresses the action performed by the subject or the state of the subject.
The prepositional phrase in the citadel at the end of time functions as the adjunct adverbial of the entire sentence. An adjunct adverbial is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies an entire clause by providing additional details about time, place, manner, condition, purpose, reason, result, concession, context, or other supplementary information.
The noun phrase in the citadel at the end of time functions as the prepositional complement of the preposition in. A prepositional complement is a word, phrase, or clause that directly follows a preposition and completes the meaning of the prepositional phrase. The definite article the functions as the determinative of the noun citadel. The prepositional phrase at the end of the time functions as the noun phrase modifier of the noun citadel. The noun phrase the end of time functions as the prepositional complement of the preposition at. The definite article the functions as the determinative of the noun end. The prepositional phrase of time functions as the noun phrase modifier of the noun end. The noun phrase time functions as the prepositional complement of the preposition of. The null determiner (zero article) functions as the determinative of the noun time.

A form-function diagram is a visualization of the layers of grammar. The top identifies forms, or what words, phrases, and clauses look like. The bottom identifies functions, or what words, phrases, and clauses do. For more information about form-function diagrams, see A Form-Function Description of the Grammar of the Modern English Language: Book 1 (Level 9A) (A Form-Function English Grammar) and A Form-Function Description of the Grammar of the Modern English Language: Book 2 (Level 9B) (A Form-Function English Grammar).
- Kosur, Heather Marie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 569 Pages – 03/11/2021 (Publication Date) – Independently published (Publisher)
- Kosur, Heather Marie (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 577 Pages – 03/11/2021 (Publication Date) – Independently published (Publisher)